The Naga of Northeast India

By BlogAdmin on 12:53 PM

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Even as the talks between the Union Government of India and the NSCN(IM) faction is said to have reached crucial stage many in the mainland of India are still not aware of the Nagas and their way of life. A friend of mine - in fact my former classmate- once told me that the Nagas "will definitely win our freedom" from India some six years back. But not much has happened even then after much negotiations between the two sides. Whether "honournable settllement" or "independence" the most important thing that has happened is that both sides have been restraining the use of force. As we wait for the next course of action from both sides of the negotion table I suggest you go deeper into the history of the Nagas so that we can have better understanding to the "Indo-Naga issue".
History of the Nagas
The history of the Nagas of Northeast India is worth reading. The Nagas has come a long way in their fight for a "dignified life" as the Naga leaders said. Amidsts the hills and valleys of history they have tread a path of various turns in their political, social and economic life. If you want to know more about their "uniqueness" in the Indian system of polity I suggest you read the link below.

Nagaland has no written history. Till the nineteenth century when their lifestyles were first recorded, the Naga’s lived a life centered around agricultural and headhunting and the various rites and rituals connected to the two activities. The Naga people belong to the Mongoloid ethnic group. Every tribe, clan, has its own myths of the origin of the Naga people, tracing between them their first homes, it is suggested that their love of marine shells points to a bygone settlement near the sea, their spears (with ornamental barbs curling outward from a shaft) suggested some relationship with the resident of the Philippine Islands and Indonesian people, generally by the use of the lion loom, these are not substantial evidence to build a history of ancient times, but it does give hints on what may have happened...

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